This Saturday - 14 September - sees an impressive range of speakers coming together to discuss and debate issues around Scottish independence and the British state ten years on from the referendum. It is organised by academics and activists including from the online magazine Conter.
Reflecting on the social movement of 2014, the conference will examine its legacy, the predicament of the SNP and current prospects for independence.
The politicians, activists, journalists, authors and academics opening the discussions across a range of stimulating sessions at Glasgow Caledonian University include Jim Sillars, The National editor Laura Webster, Cat Boyd, Gerry Hassan, George Kerevan, Layla-Roxanne Hill, Jonathon Shafi, David McCrone and John Curtice.
Discussion will take account of dynamics within contemporary capitalism, shifting class alignments in politics, the British state, a changing Europe and a volatile imperial order.
Published 10 September 2024