Visitors to this website will likely be interested and encouraged by the new Green Left substack which is primarily maintained by Niall Christie, Green Party activist in Glasgow.
One of his interesting observations is that ‘the mainstream perception of Scottish Greens is incredibly out of date … my experience is that activists who could be considered posh are outnumbered 10-to-1 by working class grafters, driven by a vision for a fairer Scotland’.
The articles on the website reflect and express an important political initiative within the Scottish Greens – and also a challenge to everyone who sees themselves as being on the left in our country. Green Left’s message is that ‘Scotland needs a vehicle for the left, and … the Scottish Greens can provide it’.
There’s also clarity about the importance of alliance building and wider collaboration, so as to develop a transformational politics which could ‘give hope to left-wingers in Scotland that have largely been frozen out by centrist hegemony and centralisation’.
The website features very interesting profiles and interviews, including of Shona McIntosh and Kirsten Robb, two councillors who made history by becoming the first Greens to be elected to their local authorities (East Lothian and South Lanarkshire respectively).
Published 22 January 2025