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A passionate, proactive Scottish publishing house

Luath Press, the Edinburgh-based publishers, are impressively active in promoting their books and authors through organising events and discussions around the country.

Over recent weeks, there have been discussions on Luath books on several volumes of poetry, Scottish architecture, George Orwell’s time on Jura, and former Labour MSP Neil Findlay’s Hope & Despair: Lifting the lid on the murky world of Scottish politics. This book is sure to be of interest to visitors to this website, exploring as it does such questions as whether ‘Scottish politics is mired in a constitutional dogfight with no end in sight?’ and whether ‘people power can lead to positive change?’

Lesley Riddoch has been out and about promoting her new book Thrive, which argues the continuing case for independence, described by the publishers as ‘an impassioned call to action, weaving academic evidence with story, international comparison and anecdote to explain why Scotland is ready to step forward as the world’s newest state’. Riddoch will be discussing and debating the themes of her book with the former leader of Labour in Scotland Kezia Dugdale and others in an hour-long panel discussion chaired by Ruth Wishart in Edinburgh on Thursday 17 August. ‘Once Upon a Time in Holyrood’ starts at 1.30 pm in the Baillie Gifford Sculpture Court.

A couple of days prior, on Tuesday 15 August (starting 11.45 am), the same venue will host a discussion between Lisa Croft, Willy Maley, Jennie Renton & Tam Watters on ‘a remarkable collective biography of four men - three from Scotland, and one from England - who enlisted in the XV International Brigade and fought in the Spanish Civil War. In 1937, they were in the battle of Jarama, ending up in the same prison cell. The authors have sifted through news reports, interviews, and prison diaries to explore why their family members set out to stand up against fascism just over ninety years ago’. Our Fathers Fought Franco has been warmly reviewed on this website: this is a welcome chance to listen directly to the people responsible for the book.

Published July 2023.



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